Published on by Rainforest Press
Scottish textile merchant \u003cb\u003eAndrew McKinnon\u003c/b\u003e is certainly stable, with a thousand \u003cbr\u003e\nyears of family history centered around the family castle. But, for Andrew, stability \u003cbr\u003e\nisn't enough. He needs success and, just maybe, a hint of adventure to build a life\u003cbr\u003e\n ...
Blurb: Photographer Prairie Donahue wants a Toronto address, career success and a good man to share it with. Her eye for photography is better than her eye for men, however. Evan Lund needs a woman in his life. The problem is making time as he builds his ad agency. Kieran Dawes has known Prairie since grade school, but he has a secret that could destroy any chance at happiness. Denis Sease has nothing to hide, except, maybe, that he’s afraid of dogs – the one thing Prairie’s convinced makes life complete. What will it take for Prairie to make her mark in Toronto’s art scene and find the right man to share it with?
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