Ethics: Theory and Contemporary Issues
By:"Barbara MacKinnon","Andrew Fiala"
Published on 2014-01-01 by Cengage Learning
A broader range of voices and philosophical traditions in this edition includes continental and non-Western philosophers, with new readings from prominent ethicists such as Kwame Anthony Appiah, Angela Y. Davis, Mohandas Gandhi, and Richard ...
Introduce your students to the major perspectives in ethical theory and a broad range of contemporary moral debates using MacKinnon/Fiala's ETHICS: THEORY AND CONTEMPORARY ISSUES, Eighth Edition. Illuminating overviews and a selection of readings from traditional and contemporary sources make even complex philosophical concepts reader-friendly. Comprehensive, clear-sighted introductions to general and specific areas of ethical debate cover influential ethical theories, including religion and global ethics, utilitarianism and deontology, natural law ethics, virtue ethics, and feminist and care ethics. Contemporary moral issues discussed include euthanasia, sexual morality, economic justice, animal ethics, war, violence, and globalization. A broader range of voices and philosophical traditions in this edition includes continental and non-Western philosophers, with new readings from prominent ethicists such as Kwame Anthony Appiah, Angela Y. Davis, Mohandas Gandhi, and Richard Rorty. Increased coverage of contemporary dilemmas highlights issues of widespread interest, such as same-sex marriage, structural racism, factory farming, pacifism, and global distributive justice. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
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